Monday, May 31, 2010

Nelson's Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts (3rd Ed)

Nelson’s Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts
Third Edition

Snack of choice:
Sharp Cheddar Cheese, Ritz Crackers, and a Lipton’s Brisk Ice Tea

Story behind the story:
I’ve been promising this review for quite some time – Don’t expect more than usual. I’ve had the privilege of finishing my last on-campus semester schooling. It kinda kept me busy along with other responsibilities. SO now that Hebrew is done (the language, not the book) I’m ready to produce my review. You should know that I received this book from Thomas Nelson publishers as a part of their campaign. But I did however purchase the 2nd edition at a Library book sale J

Story Line:
Have you ever wanted to know what a book of the Bible was all about without reading it? Don’t worry, I won’t hunt you down. While it is not a substitute, this book is a great companion that aids to the reading of God’s Word. It contains contextual information for all 66 books (Old and New Testaments). Outlines, timelines, authorship, maps – all the information you need to write a paper for a “Survey Class.”

The Real Story:
Things that MUST be known: “Full Color”, “Now with Photos”, “includes reproducible maps and charts”. These are direct quotes straight from the book cover! Riviting. Actually, it’s very cool. You also have access to download all maps and charts for NO COST. These could be used in PowerPoints or study notes for sermons or lessons.

While a good quality study Bible will have much of the information in this resource, it’s great to be able to access it in multiple forms and for multiple uses. It’s very easy to use for those who are just beginning to study the Bible and those who have been at it for many years.

I will proudly be displaying its colorful pages when opportunity allows – a great edition to an already great library.

Check out:

"Ryrie Study Bible" or Holman Commentaries of the Bible or
Word Pictures of the New Testament by A.T. Robertson.

5 out of 5 full color stars. Yellow, of course.